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I want to do amazing things, meet great talent

Last updated October 17th, 2016
At a very young age, helping my mother with Indian crafts got me thinking that there must be a career in something fun like this? The norm in those days was that every Indian was to go into being a Doctor, Dentist or an Accountant. But for me, I wanted something fun, creative, arty. But what? I took guidance from my Guru (spiritual teacher) who I strongly follow… he guided me into the path of Art and Computer Graphics, in which after 10 years working and volunteering in, I felt I needed to be away from a computer and into the crowds of human contact. Again, I approached a very senior sadhu (Hindu monk) who gave a few words of wisdom which encouraged me to create a path in Event Management. I asked him… ‘Event Management? but I have no education in it!’ He mentioned, ‘Something will come, put the effort in and everything will fall in place’. That day it got me thinking. I started to throw a few ideas around and spoke to my wife on what to do. After a long scratch of my head, I came across Event Academy Event Course. Everything on the website told me that this is the right course for me. Powerful, enjoyable, effective, live and digital were some of the words that captured my attention. And after six months of studying, pitching, and interning, I can genuinely say that it was the best decision and I’m really pleased I did it. I’ve learnt so much from being in the classroom. The lecturers and course directors have experience in delivering training and events, that’s what made it more interesting. To learn about the successes, failures, what works, what doesn’t… all through basic presentations and diagrams that are easily understood. It has been a journey from start to finish which took me to the next step into being an intern for an Events Agency. My internship, is currently with The Department, who are the World’s first immersive talent agency. The team is very small, three Directors and one assistant director… but they manage some of the world’s greatest shows and events. Being an intern there has helped me to understand, learn and become better equipped in managing events. Yes, you may need to write notes in meetings, get coffee/lunches or simply do the most tedious jobs, but these are all very minor in comparison to the bigger things you learn. For example, going on site visits for actual events and asking the right questions. Considering issues such as the Internet access and power available, toilets, timing restrictions, rates and services included in a quote. As well as presenting ideas to a client, considering the clients’ views and what their vision is. All of these aspects of the job are very important and a valuable part of the whole experience At The Department, having an up-to-date calendar of all events, meetings, and site visits is important. Everyone within the agency have access to it, to see who and what is coming up next. This made me think and understand that it is vital to have everyone’s calendars in one place to understand how events work. Where everyone is and where meetings are taking place to make the overall event come alive I also learnt that in the events industry, you never have just one event to organise, at the moment five events are taking place… each one needs a venue, deco/theme, food and beverages, entertainment… so to have a to do list and weekly update meetings is important for the whole team, so nothing is left out. While working at The Department, I got experience working out in the field too. I was fortunate to be at BBC Proms in the Park and Radio 2 Live at the Park. This gave me an understanding of how the production side of an event works. I was shown around by BBC production managers as to what it takes to put on a live event to all those watching or listening at home. From Camera crew and photographers, to TV editors and sound controllers. There are so many things to learn whilst being an intern at The Department. All will help me to grow and develop in my career. Where this career will take me… I have no idea! But, I want to be part of bigger projects, do amazing things, meet great talent and create events that people will remember.    
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