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First Job

Careers, First Job, Information, News,
Event Academy partner with The Power Of Events
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First Job, From the Course,
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First Job,
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Events, First Job,
How To Steal An Event Red Carpet
An unexpected new star was born at the Golden Globe Awards on Sunday night – a woman serving Fiji Water at the red carpet. Social media can’t seem get to enough of the “Fiji Water Girl” – as she has now been dubbed – who photobombed every celebrity pic and looked fabulous while doing so. […]
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First Job,
The Benefits of Event Training
How many times have you been on a training course only to find that at best, you get through the day having learnt very little and at worst you have a really bad experience; the registration process is disorganised, speakers do not know their subject area and there are no networking opportunities. If the answer is yes, then join my club!
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