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5 Habits of Successful Event Managers

Last updated August 31st, 2018
Teenage Cancer Trust Party table and decorations

Event managers are multi-tasking superstars who juggle multiple responsibilities.

Professional event managers pay attention to the tiniest detail, aim for perfection and have an uncanny ability to make every task look easy.

Be it central flower arrangements, new venue bookings, menu selection or hiring personnel and services, these brilliant individuals strategise to fulfil unanticipated needs as well.

Although it may look simple, the truth is that a lot of hard work is put into organising an event.

To help event-related operations run smoothly, there are a few habits that successful event managers have in common, and which every event management hopeful can learn …

#1 Get a Head-start

It’s never too early to get a head-start on your planning. Effective event leaders don’t wait for the clock to strike twelve, preferring instead to sort out variables in advance. Take venues, for example:

Booking a highly sought-after venue a year before your event could land you an early-bird discount.

A generous time frame affords you the luxury of searching for incredible vendors at competitive prices and truly allows you to give your customer value for money.

Simultaneously, this will earn you potential customer loyalty and future references.

#2 Check, Check and Check

Want to become an in-demand event planner? Then, the most important habit you need to develop is to write each and every thing down.

Maintaining a detailed checklist per event and cross-checking it countless times is going to be your daily ritual.

Every event comes with its own unique requirements and different planning stages. Once you have managed to secure the appropriate documentation, with all relevant detail, then half your work is done.

The secret is to remain on top of your checklist and refer to other sources such as visuals, graphs, spreadsheets, and images when required.

#3 Learn and Network

The event industry is a dynamic one where trends and technologies keep evolving.

Successful event planners believe that knowledge is power and constantly educate themselves.

They remain in touch with emerging tools, current industry news and experts, which allows them to create favourable experiences for their clients.

If required, polish your skills further with additional training and experience through an event management qualification.

If you wish to follow in the footsteps of successful event professionals, do a bit of research and find networking platforms in your area to find out who the local or sector experts are and get involved: you never know when training, volunteering or a quick catch-up can lead to an opportunity.

After all, event networks are all about who you know and what kind of relationships you have managed to build.

#4 Befriend Technology

Communication with staff, ongoing follow-up, branding and personalisation, and unforeseen event issues are simply the tip of an event managerial iceberg.

Seasoned event managers arm themselves with a myriad of tools and programs that not only streamline operations, but also increase overall business efficiency.

#5 Power Your Social Media

Social media offers an ideal platform for getting a two-way conversation flowing with your customer.

Giants such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram will not only give you direct access to your customer but will also open up a whole new world to you.

Let former clients share their experiences with each other, give recommendations, post their own event pictures and create your portfolio for you. Encourage them to tag you in their videos and pictures.

Such mentions will increase your brand exposure and hopefully lead to further bookings in the near future.

The events industry offers an exciting, challenging world where you can broaden your horizons and polish your skill set.

If this is the career path you wish to follow, then take a look at event-related job openings at JOB TODAY.

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