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What It’s Really Like: Event Academy Open Evening

Last updated August 21st, 2018
Picture the scene: an inviting room in the stylish Business Design Centre, in the heart of The Strand, London. Here, a friendly team offers you a warm welcome, refreshments and the chance to chat about why you’re there, what to expect and maybe even have a word with an events industry professional. Then, you establish yourself on one of the comfortable chairs and flick through one of the leaflets available about event management courses, as others arrive and do the same, all of you filling the room with a steady murmur of anticipation. You might start chatting to those around you, exchanging comments and friendly smiles until, as the lights dim slightly and the screen at the front bursts into life, you realise that this is what it’s really like: the enthusiasm for a live event offering something you could really become addicted to!
And you’re in the right place to find out more, because when the live event is the Event Academy Open Evening, you can certainly expect to come away with a much better idea of what event management is all about, and how Event Academy courses can help you lay the foundations for a whole new career.

What it’s really like: finding out about event management courses

At Open Evenings, there’s plenty of information available, from on-screen presentations and videos, to course leaflets which you can take away with you. There’s an introduction from one of our directors, who’ll tell you all about Event Academy and explain why our experiential, industry-relevant education of professional practice in event management is in place: to help would-be event professionals achieve success breaking into the industry through offering ‘work ready’ skills and experience. Claire Derrick, Director of Education and host of December 2017’s Open Night reiterates this, with a clear message about what’s behind Event Academy:

“a passion for teaching events, and aim to support all students to graduate and get the very best jobs in the field.”

What it’s really like: experiencing the Event Academy campus and the value that learning about events in the heart of London can bring

Coming to an Open Evening also gives you a chance to experience what it’s really like to be at our campus, where you can really see our proximity to some of the major event venues of the city and understand the value that learning Live with us in London can offer you. As one student presenter in our December 2017 Open Evening shared: “on the Postgraduate course you go to a different venue daily for 13 weeks, which really builds up your venue knowledge across London in general. It’s super-helpful!”

What it’s really like: listening to the real-life experiences of current students and alumni

Of course, you also want to hear about what it’s really like to experience event education with us, so at each Open Evening, you’re introduced to current students and alumni. What really strikes you at Open Evenings is how open, enthusiastic and insightful these students and event professionals are about what they’re doing, why they’re doing it, and how the courses work – and have worked for them – in achieving success. They’re ready to answer any and all questions, as the floor’s opened up for …

What it’s really like: getting your questions answered by staff and students

The final stage of Open Evenings brings the opportunity to find out what it’s really like to study event management with Event Academy, as a lively Q & A session gets underway. Questions usually cover the following topics: And that’s just the start! When you’re at one of these sessions, you really notice the snowball effect once hands shoot up and the first question’s been asked. There’s a range of expertise in the room to help answer and, just as importantly, a range of perspectives, so this session’s always as inspiring as it is informative.
For instance, on a question about assessment our Director of Education, Claire Derrick, will share all you need to know about timelines, deadlines, weighting and assessment structure of any course. But you’ll also get the perspectives of alumni and current students across the different courses, who’ll share their first-hand experiences of how the assessment fits in with what you’re learning, what you’re doing and how it’s possible to achieve success.
Of course, there’s no obligation to ask your questions in front of everyone else if you don’t want to, because the final session of the evening involves …

What it’s really like: speaking to Event Academy lecturers and staff to find out about the events industry, types of event management roles and the courses on offer

One of our goals for each Open Evening is that you don’t leave with your questions unanswered. So, just as each Open Evening starts with ‘early bird’ chances to speak to event professionals – either by pre-booking an appointment with one of Event Academy’s directors or lecturers, or by having a chat to Event Academy staff, students and alumni who are present throughout Open Evenings – there’s also the chance to book consultations with the directors after the main presentation and Q & A event. There’s nothing scary about these consultations and they’re certainly not interviews for courses, but they are a chance for you to meet our professionals in an informal face-to-face, chatting about any circumstances which might be relevant to your options and answering your questions: this session’s led by you, so it’s a chance to ask away! So, if what you’ve heard across the evening has given rise to more questions, if you want clarification or need to ask a question specific to your circumstances, you can go straight from the staff, student and alumni presentations and Q & A session to having your personal questions answered.
Ultimately, the best way to find out what it’s really like is to come along to an Event Academy Open Evening – and there’s still time to sign up for the next one! Just check out our Open Evening page, use the sign-up form and come join us to get your event management questions answered.
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