Are you looking for a career where you can sparkle by exercising your creative muscles instead of being another number in a machine?
The secret to unleashing your creativity is being in the right situation and having a supportive team around you. Dan Walker found his technicolour creative streak through studying with us. It was the last thing he was expecting.
Graduate Profile
- Name: Dan Walker
- Course: Diploma, finished Nov 2015
- Home town: London
- Career idol: Bear Grylls. Dan says “I admire the way he knuckles down to whatever needs doing to get the job done and I make this my approach too.”
Why retrain?
Dan has been running a school in Thailand for the last few years. It sounds like he has his career all sorted: a vocational role, working with young people on beautiful and distant shores. Yet, like all ambitious and driven people, he isn’t content to stick with what he knows.
“There was me and another guy on the course and we both discovered that we are actually creative people!”
Dan’s take away nuggets from the course weren’t just about event management. Looking back he says he discovered how good teams work together. Through the experiential projects he now knows what being part of dynamic team looks like, sounds like and how it feels. He’s also thrilled to have had solid experience of how different people think and organise themselves to achieve common goals. Lastly, and most surprisingly, Dan discovered how to ignite his own creativity and blaze his own trail.
How did it work?
Dan loved working with the different lecturers, especially Course Director
Justine. He says that different tutors saw abilities in each of the students that they didn’t see in themselves. By creating space to try things out and gain feedback, students get to test out new skills.
By volunteering, Dan built up contacts within
Clarion Events as well as strengthening his new found creative talents. He can’t recommend volunteering enough and urges anyone interested in event management to put themselves forward. His advice is to watch carefully and absorb everything that goes on around you as you do. It will all feed into your experience and later career choices.
How can I find out more?
You may not be sure what your next career move is and how to fulfil your ambition. If you’re interested in working with people and being creative then Event Management is a good place to start. Have a look at the
careers section of our website for more information or book a place on our next
open evening. Or even just get in touch to
say hi. We look forward to meeting you!
Featured image by
darkday used under a
creative commons 2.0 license.