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Careers, Graduate,
Take Risks, Follow Your Dreams
There’s not many people that tell it how it is and that’s probably the reason that Gary Vee has such a massive following on You Tube. It also means that Gary is a highly sought after public speaker, a 5-time New York Times bestselling author, as well as a prolific angel investor with early investments in companies such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Venmo, and Uber. So here’s Gary with some words of advice if you are wondering what your next step should be….
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Alumni, Graduate,
'Busy' as a badge of honour; why we wear it and why we should stop
A guest blog from Event Academy student Juliet Tripp Juliet Tripp is Operations and Events Manager at Shrewsbury School. Juliet is currently completing her online Postgraduate Course with the Event Academy. Her website is In the ever-changing and fast-growing world of Events we are finding ourselves facing new challenges, new trends and long working […]
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