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Red carpets, glitzy trophies … it must be Awards Season

Last updated January 23rd, 2019


Awards season globally is upon us with the influx of glamour and glitz wherever you turn! I love this time of year: the excitement of the celebs, spotting the fashion trends on the red carpet(s), predictions of who’ll win what and who’ll be badly behaved on stage … (did anyone see Glenn Close’s staggering, then teary acceptance speech at the Golden Globes this month!?)

It is impossible to be bored as they just keep coming: the BAFTAs, the Oscars, the Brits, the Grammys and the list goes on …

If you love the world of events you’ll definitely want to keep your finger on the pulse of what’s on-trend, what’s coming up and what is totally passé. No matter what kind of events you organise (even corporate events), everyone takes their cues from the celebrities in the spotlight by either trying to be like them or trying to be different, so awards season is the perfect time of year to brush up on what’s hot!

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Music …
Of course we love the BRITs and we send a group of volunteers to work the event every year. Our students come back abuzz with who’s the latest tipped for superstardom, who was best in rehearsal and who looked simply divine. Watch the ceremony to know who’s climbing the ranks to superstar and who is sliding down into obscurity so you know how to reach your event audiences – music is a massive draw. So with all that excitement to come and your full on day job as an event manager, all you need to do is make a note of the big ones so they don’t pass you by …

Fashion …
We ALL love to gossip about who’s wearing what on the red carpet and the Oscars are especially good for this. Pay attention to which designers, styles and colours capture attention and take inspiration here for wedding fashion, luxury party themes; gala ball colours and branding. London Fashion Week is also in full flow in February so keep watching and take notes.

Film …
Films and their stars are a rich source of inspiration for event themes. If you want to keep your attention on British film then keep an eye on the BAFTAs. Anything from a corporate conference to a private party can take inspiration from a buzzy film. Keep an eye out for any clever uses of AV or cutting edge entertainment acts. How can you use them for an event to get heads turning and create an immersive experience.

Favourite celebs
Of course watching the awards chat will give you a direct line into which celebrities everyone wants at their events. Who is now over-exposed or involved in a scandal? Who would make a great MC and what causes do they support? Who knows, you may find a patron for your next big event.

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