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Event Academy’s New Location for Learning

Last updated August 31st, 2018
  Just to share an update that our move across the city is now complete! This means that instead of running from our previous location at King’s College London, all of the Event Academy Live courses are being taught at the prestigious Business Design Centre, London. However contemporary and incredibly new and modern our new location sounds (and yes, much of the building is a delight of modern architecture) the actual site is that of the Royal Agricultural Hall which originally opened in Islington in 1852. After a history which included thriving pre-war years of agricultural business, events and entertainments, before stepping up as a replacement venue for the bombed out parcels department of the nearby post office in 1943, the original building fell into gradual decline, until being rescued in the 1980s and redeveloped into one of London’s most exciting exhibition and conference centres.
Although we loved our time at King’s College, we’re very excited that our new course accommodation within the Business Design Centre really adds that sense of professional business marketing, which lies at the heart of many professional event management roles and of course underpins our Chartered Institute of Marketing accredited courses.

But what does this mean for our students?

Being located at this venue offers plenty of benefits and amenities to those studying event management with us:

Still London, still lively for learning

Another great benefit is that although we’ve moved, we’re still right in the heart of London (N1), so there’s plenty of easy proximity to exciting venues such as: Overall, our new location is only minutes from many other city venues and attractions, including many of those around the Thames. So, whatever type of event management you want to get into, we’re close enough to a venue to go and explore to see how it works, and to investigate venue opportunities for your course projects.
All of which is to say we’re proud to be offering a great location for finding out more about event venues, and finding opportunities to really become involved in city events!

Transport and travel

Getting to us here at the Business Design Centre couldn’t be easier. Finally, don’t forget that coming to one of our Open Evenings is a great way to check out our exciting new venue and see for yourself how you can break into a whole new career in event management with live courses right in the heart of London.
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