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Live from our Diploma Course

Last updated April 2nd, 2013

John Combes reports in from our Diploma Course

“I’m loving The Event Course. You learn everything you need to know to get into the industry from marketing, events planning to what actual events like fundraising need to have in place to make them a success. The lectures are top notch they all have their own way of teaching and getting you engaged in the lesson. We have a great laugh with them as well,  I have had plenty of banter with my group so far. The other great thing is that there is a mixture of nationalities on the course with students from Poland, Brazil and Spain to name a few, it brings more knowledge of events worldwide and a different take on topics in general. Working on the live event project is just great, it enables you to see what is involved in producing an event and gets you buzzing (literally). It’s like ‘The Apprentice’… you have personalities, outspoken views and a whole lot of fun. Every team will aim to win the pitch and our group is no different…who wants to come 2nd when you can come first. It’s like the Olympics you don’t train to come last if a Gold medal is on the agenda. The events group I’m in have even been meeting up at weekends and I am sure others have as well to make sure that when it comes to the pitch everything is signed sealed and delivered. The next 8 weeks will fly by, it will be fun, chaotic, crazy but thats what events is all about. It’s one heck of a ride but once you’re on it you done want to come off it. The event course is a spring board to get yourself into the industry but you yourself are responsible for taking the ultimate plunge and getting where you want to be. One last thing…you get constant updates via linkedin and drop box for volunteering events and jobs which may be of interest of you. Everything is there for you to succeed its just how you go about it to ensure you get to where you want to be. Go for it!” John Combes, Diploma Student April 2013
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