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Find the Perfect Wedding Planner Course

Last updated January 11th, 2021

There have been plenty of wedding events in the UK and abroad (look at Meghan & Harry, Jade Jagger & Adrian Fillary) to whet our appetites and make us want to do one of two things:

  1. Actually tie the knot ourselves!
  2. Take a Management Course that will enhance our career as a Party Planner and wedding organiser

Having done the first (which incidentally caused me no end of stress as I decided to organise my own wedding event thinking it would be easy – I should have concentrated on my role as the Bride and handed over my checklist to a wedding planner!) and survived the institution that is ‘marriage’ for the last 10 years, I’d go for the second option!

According to the Office of National Statistics, the average age at which a woman gets married is now 30 years and a man is 32.  The reason being for this is that we have an aging population who are concentrating on their careers before saying “I do” and starting a family.  It may be safe to say that these professional couples are often cash-rich and time-poor:

Ever thought about a Masterclass in Weddings to hone your skills?

Hence the need for you…the Wedding Planner… and your need for a wedding planner course!

So how can the Event Academy help you train for the best wedding planner jobs in the UK? Both our part-time Diploma and full-time Postgraduate Diploma Event Management course offer practical help, advice and training for those who not only want to organise a wedding event but who also want to make a career out of this booming industry. Our expert lecturers, who also run successful wedding event companies, will cover the following in their session:

See If a Career in Wedding Planning is Right For You
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