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Why is a CIM qualification so valuable?

Last updated June 5th, 2023

All our courses are CIM accredited – but what does that mean?

CIM stands for The Chartered Institute of Marketing – they are the leading body in the UK that specialises in Marketing & Events.

That means you are getting a qualification that is not only recognised and valued highly by employers but also around the world.

So let’s break it down and look at the different levels…

CIM Accredited Level 3

If you have opted to take our Foundation Certificate course, you will complete a Level 3 course in one week of full-time studying.

This is a comprehensive introduction to event planning to either get you started in the world of events or reinforce your existing knowledge of the industry.

This course is designed to fast-track your career, right from the beginning.

CIM Accredited Level 4

In order to achieve this, you must take either our Intensive Diploma or Part-Time Diploma course. This is the equivalent of your first year at University!

These two options provide you with the choice to stay in your learning cocoon for a quick intensive burst or a slightly longer transitional period into a professional into Events.

The Intensive Diploma course consists of 2-weeks of full-time studying, and is an immersive course covering all key stages of event management and major industry sectors.

This is our most popular course, as there is no more efficient way to receive a Level 4 accreditation.

Our Part-Time Diploma course achieves the same as the Intensive Diploma over a 3-month period with the flexibility to study for two-nights a week.

Got a quick question you need answered? We are here on Live Chat ready to help.

CIM Accredited Level 7

By the end of the Postgraduate and Degree Alternative courses, you will receive a Level 7 qualification – the equivalent to a Master’s degree in Events!

The Postgraduate course lasts 9 months – this is 6 months of studying and then 3 months of industry placement.

Our Degree Alternative course lasts 12 months overall – 9 months of this will be studying and then 3 months of placement at the end. During this time, you will have earned your Level 3, Level 4 and then Level 7 certification in Event Management.

You’re now at the top of the mountain – you’ve received the highest accreditation in events that you can over such a short period of time, and you’ve added all the experience to your CV that you’ve gathered from volunteering and 3-months of full-time work. You’ve also made so many connections that your dream job is just over the horizon…!



We are always on hand to answer any questions you might have so always have a chat with us if you are unsure!

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