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Careers, First Job, Information, News,
Event Academy partner with The Power Of Events
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Careers, News,
What Is The Certificate Course Experience Like?
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Careers, News,
What Is The Part-Time Diploma Experience Like?
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Careers, News,
What Is The Online Foundation Certificate Experience Like?
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Careers, News,
What Is The Online Postgraduate Experience Like?
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Careers, News,
What Is The Postgraduate Course Experience?
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Careers, News,
What Is The Full-Time Diploma Experience Like?
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Careers, News,
What Is The Online Diploma Course Content Like?
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Careers, News,
What Qualifications Do I Need For The Postgraduate Diploma?
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Careers, News,
Degree Alternative Student Experience
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Careers, News,
How Are We Different To Uni?
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Careers, News,
How Does the Degree Alternative Work?
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Event Design, Event Ideas, News,
Event Managers Of The Future
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Careers, Events,
What Working in the Events Industry is Really Like
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Careers, Events,
Why We Love Working In Events
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Careers, News,
The True Value of a CIM Accreditation
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Information, News,
What Does the Future of the Events Industry Look Like?
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Events, From the Course,
Corona Conundrum
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4-legged Team Members
Studies show that having dogs in the workplace may help to lower stress and can even cause employees to work harder and be more productive at their jobs. works for us!
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Events, News,
What To Do When Festivals Go Wrong...
We all heard about the last minute cancellation of Boardmasters. So how could all the backlash be handled (or at least kept to a minimum) when a festival can no longer go ahead?
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Events, News,
Our Summer Highlights Event Calendar
So summer is here and the events season kicks up another notch! There are SO MANY to choose from so we've curated our pick...
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Careers, News,
February Placements: Mama Festivals, Virgin Sport...and much more!
So it's that time of year when our February Postgrad students are finishing three months of study and started their three month work placement. Check out the list of the amazing companies our students are working at.
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Careers, Graduate,
Take Risks, Follow Your Dreams
There’s not many people that tell it how it is and that’s probably the reason that Gary Vee has such a massive following on You Tube. It also means that Gary is a highly sought after public speaker, a 5-time New York Times bestselling author, as well as a prolific angel investor with early investments in companies such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr, Venmo, and Uber. So here’s Gary with some words of advice if you are wondering what your next step should be….
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Careers, From the Course,
Funded by Family? Questions Parents Ask About Our Event Education
Our Open Evenings are lively events and a great way to find out about careers in the event industry in general, and our event management courses in particular. What’s great about these evenings is the diversity of attendees – and the significant number of parents who also come along to see what it’s all about. […]
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Alumni, Careers, News,
What It’s Really Like: Our Students Share
  “Oooh, what was it like?” is the first thing we usually ask others when they’re telling us about an event, experience or episode in their lives. Of course, sometimes we’re just asking out of friendliness and vague interest, but when what they’re sharing is something which could help inform our own decisions, then we’re […]
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Career Change, Careers,
Want One of 2018’s Top Jobs? Jump Into Event Management
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From the Course, News,
What It’s Really Like: The Benefits of Studying Events Live in London
The way to find out about anything is to do it … and that’s also true about studying events. So if you want to learn what it takes to become an event manager who’s in demand, then it makes sense to explore events in the very location that’s most in demand in the event industry: […]
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Alumni, Events, News,
What It’s Really Like: Questions We’re Asked About Event Education #1
Thinking about getting into event management but feeling a bit dazzled by the wealth of event education options out there? You’re not alone! Every day we’re presented with questions from event management hopefuls – through our website, email, phones, and Facebook – you name it! But the biggest barrage of questions comes from our Open […]
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Careers, From the Course,
Breaking Into Event Management: Less Than a Year to a New Career
Happy New Year! 2018 is here and, as ever, the start of a fresh new year is the time when we take a close look at ourselves, our lives and our futures: making resolutions, rethinking approaches, considering changes and exploring opportunities. And our professional lives don’t escape this focus either – in fact, careers are […]
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Events, News,
How RFID Can Transform Your Events
We’re in the digital age of event management – but not just in presentation and performance! There’s another element of digital delivery which offers the potential to transform the running of your event into something extremely smooth, streamlined and sophisticated without causing you extra logistical headaches. RFID – what and how? RFID, Radio Frequency Identification, […]
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Events, News,
The Key to Effective Communication Skills in Events: Gender, Genes or Experience?
A recent C&IT article discusses the benefits of being an all-female company in the world of event management, in the context that “women are generally better communicators” … something that really set us thinking here at Event Academy. Now, we certainly agree that communication’s an essential skill for event managers, as our Senior Lecturer Martin Turner […]
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Careers, News,
Don’t Be Part of the Graduate ‘Brain Drain’
Recently left school or college? Thinking about the steps you could take towards your future working life? Not sure whether going to university will be the right option for you? Whether you’re thinking about studying to learn about the events industry or not (although as you’re here we’re guessing you’re at least a little bit […]
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Events, News,
The Benefits of Branded Garments for Corporate Events
As if we didn’t have enough deadlines, event organisers now have to worry about T-shirts! Thank God for express printing. Professional planners have to make sure that every detail is in order so attendees leave with the best impression possible. After all, if anything goes wrong it is our fault. Unfair but not any less […]
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Events, News,
Artist Ambush - this battle helps their battle
Snap Events Team Leader – Antonia Avedine talks to us about putting on their live event at Cargo, London on Weds 7th December What better way to showcase your musical talents than at a live event! Snap Events our 2nd Postgraduate Diploma team to host their event will be at Cargo in Shoreditch. The event […]
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Events, News,
How to launch a successful fundraising event in just 3 weeks!
by Alex Ferguson PG Sept 2016 student Team – BrickbyBrick events present FUNPAD: Home away from Home At – Runway East, 10 Finsbury Square, LONDON, EC2A 1AF When – Tuesday 6th December, 6.30 to 10.30pm On the 14th of November our lecturers gave us the brief to put on a Live Event in aid of […]
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Careers, News,
Find your niche placement on our Postgraduate Diploma
Rebecca Oldham tells us her experience at The Brewery London I started thinking seriously about a career in event management after serving on two May Ball committees during my time at the University of Cambridge. Each college of the university throws a ball for its students in June to celebrate the end of exams and […]
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"I am going to remember these experiences for the rest of my life"
Federica Cuocolo talks about her experience on the PG July 2016 course
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Careers, News,
I want to do amazing things, meet great talent
Name : Dixit Patel Hometown : London Course: Postgraduate 2016 Placement Company: The Department At a very young age, helping my mother with Indian crafts got me thinking that there must be a career in something fun like this? The norm in those days was that every Indian was to go into being a Doctor, […]
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Alumni, Careers,
Are you a perfectionist?
Name: Patricia Beaumont Course: Online diploma, started Oct ‘15 Home town: Wokingham in Berkshire Doing the course has really opened up my career plans If managing and running events becomes part of your job or is part of a new job you’ve just joined, what can you do to make sure you’re at the top […]
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Careers, News,
You’re closer than you think to a career in event management
Aida Oliva (PG Alumni 2016) talks about her journey in event management
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Alumni, Careers,
Event Management gives you wings
Talk about flying into the role … not only was Nick offered a job at Innovision Events as soon as he finished the course with us, he was sent overseas for an event within a couple of weeks!
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Alumni, Careers,
Follow your heart
Name: Louisa Oldfield Home Town: Bath and she’s lived in California for the last few years Course: Online diploma, started Sep 2015 completed Mar 2016. Want to follow your heart in your job, organise training to get you ahead in a competitive industry and fit it all around the most important people in your life, […]
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Alumni, Careers,
Snap decisions
Denise decided to reboot her career in events and join one of our courses 2 days before it started! Read on to find out how she made the decision.
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Careers, News,
Dancing Queen to Event Manager
Imagine it: you have one of the coolest clubs in London as a venue to play with You get paid to use your creative flair to create an unusual, unreal, unrepeatable event for clients who was to use the space to party in the heart of London.
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Alumni, Careers,
Suddenly in the spotlight?
After working in admin for years and never finding his career groove, Matt now finds himself working on several different events a day, every day. He loves the constant stream of challenges this poses and relies on his talent for picking up the detail to make it all work.
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Events, News,
Loud & Proud in Brighton!
It’s a good time of the year to be heading down to the coast and the weather is looking good. Time to don our shades and get ready to celebrate Pride in Brighton with this year’s theme being Carnival of Diversity: Uniting Nations.
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Alumni, Careers,
A job that never gets dull?
During her placement Fiona was working on a massive event at the Excel Centre in London involving 20 agencies, 13,000 attendees and all for huge brand Hewlett Packard. She’s come a long way from organising the School prom as a teaching assistant!
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Alumni, Careers,
What are YOUR favourite events?
The key to it all is getting all the details correct. When I organised the Royal visit in Cumbria I really enjoyed the level of detail - I take pride in getting everything ship shape. It went right down to the wording on the plaque commissioned to mark the event.
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Alumni, Careers,
Creativity is always in style!
As luxury brands go, getting to work with Lexus is a bit of a career highlight. Ciara worked on staging an epic immersive experience designed to launch the new Lexus RX in London last January.
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Careers, News,
Wimbledon: Old vs New
Are you watching the tennis and waiting for the semi finals on Friday with bated breath? From an event manager’s perspective it’s a fantastic study in branding and experiential event management.
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Tell no one ... Giveaway!
This summer Secret Cinema is taking you back in time to Dirty Dancing and we've bagged 2 tickets that we're giving away to our loyal fans and followers. If you've ever wanted to have the time of your life at Kellerman's resort, here is your chance.
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Work Experience at Ashdown
Jade has been with us for work experience this week. What a star!
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Making the leap
We caught up with Emma Chapman, who is taking our online diploma course to set herself up to run her own business as an Event Planner.
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Alumni, Careers,
Split personality?
When talking about what drew her to Event Management, Lucia talks about all her interests. She loves music, languages and biology. She also has a love of cooking that is deeply rooted in her Italian heritage. The great thing about the world of events is that it doesn’t force her to choose one.
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Events, News,
Heading for Glastonbury?
It’s Glastonbury this week and we’re excited (just ask Karin, our Head of Recruitment and resident festival queen!) If you live for each of the big festivals coming around again each year and you love the challenge of organizing people then a career in festival management could be for you.
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Meet our team: Susie
Do you remember how it feels to be a new student, on your first day at school? My role as Student Services Manager at Event Academy is all about making every students’ journey with us a smooth and enjoyable one and helping our students get the most out of their studies. I know that it […]
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Alumni, Careers,
How to land your dream job
Can you imagine starting your career working on making a difference to the African economy? Victoria is now working on long term planning for events in Kenya and Nigeria. What a fantastic experience to be able to shout about on your CV!
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Alumni, Careers,
Confidence in your career
Molly went from lacking confidence to securing a permanent job with Party Planners before her placement finished, a total of 5 months in all!
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Who should I be watching in Events?
You may have heard it said that the events industry is all about people and relationships. It’s completely true and don’t let that intimidate you. We spoke to seasoned events veteran, Alex Webb, to get her take on it and how being people-focused opens up massive opportunities for your career progression. “Grand Prix cars racing […]
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Alumni, Careers,
Having the right handbag
We’re inspired by our students on a daily basis and we love staying in touch to hear their stories after studying. Diploma graduate Charlotte got in touch to let us know she’d set up her own luxury handbag business. We were already impressed, but then we realised she’s done this alongside fighting for diagnosis of a debilitating illness.
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Events, News,
Fundraising in style
Fundraising events are a key part of the events industry and there is plenty of work out there for anyone who wants to give something back and support a good cause. Our students regularly take volunteering opportunities from the full fundraising range from fabulous gala dinners to the London Marathon. “Being able to help humanity, […]
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Careers, News,
The Event Industry in Numbers
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Events, News,
Win tickets to BAFTAs
The British Academy Television Awards is the industry’s big event, recognising incredible performances, comedy and drama over the past year. Watch the 2016 nominations for this year here. We are excited to be able to offer you two tickets to this celebrity studded red carpet event, held this year at The Royal Festival Hall, London on Sunday […]
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Careers, News,
Why deciding not to go to Uni could be the best decision you ever make
Could the current generation of parents be the first ones who won’t want their children to go to university? Until now that mortarboard photo on the sideboard has always been the dream, visual proof that your children have made their way to the top of the educational ladder.  But that was before tuition fees. Now […]
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Alumni, Events,
Focusing on my passions
"Photography and events never occurred to me as a good combination of my interests, but now I’m thrilled my placement with the World Photography Organisation is extended until May."
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Events, From the Course,
Going places with Event Management
We caught up with Maarten De Ruyck, a postgrad student who came to Event Academy from studying marketing management at University. He became fascinated with how brands stay fresh after a degree placement on launching new brands and a project involving a shop opening event. He also found himself irresistibly drawn to the events side of […]
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From the Course, News,
Keep Calm and Carry On
You’re the event manager for a high profile panel discussion at the House of Commons for International Women’s Day. You’ve planned everything to the last detail (of course!) including leaving plenty of time to get through security checks as you arrive at the House of Commons. There is one small hitch in the proceedings: the venue have confused […]
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Alumni, From the Course,
Creative fusion for events
Mumbai born Charmi Patel joined our postgraduate course in London to marry her entrepreneurial mindset to the creative world of event management. Name: Charmi Patel Course: Postgraduate Home Town: Mumbai Career role model: all the fabulous wedding themed instagrammers, e.g. Mindy Weiss “London style is amazing, but Asian wedding celebrations show you a different world” […]
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From the Course, News,
Playing my part with style!
Are you at a point in your career or in your studies where you want to feel some real progress? We’re not saying there’s a quick fix to avoid hard work, but when you can feel you’re already soaring, the hard work becomes a joy instead of a chore. People come to event management from […]
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Alumni, Events,
Be a part of the network
Events management means so much more than just fundraising and festivals. Have you ever stopped to think about the network of people behind the whole range of events that go on around you every day? We chatted with alumnus Ammar Siddique, graduate from our postgrad course, whose experience of the course was all about the people […]
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From the Course, News,
Do I make a difference?
When you think about your career is this one of the questions you ask yourself?  It’s a question Lucy Goodenday, one of our current Postgraduate Students, learned was really important to her while on the course. Lucy has finished lectures, sat the exam and is now on an events management placement with Bovingdon’s catering. So […]
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Fast Forward Your Career
Looking for a career change into events management? Have your sights set on a Board Director role and want to get there sooner? Determined to set up your own business? Mentoring could make a huge difference for you.
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Events, News,
London Pancake Revelry
It is Shrove Tuesday yet again and here in London we have a multitude of pancake races, each one to celebrate or promote a different cause or organisation. Jumping on a well established national calendar event with a little creative flair is a really good way to get your organisation or your cause noticed. As with […]
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Find Yourself
Are you looking for a career where you can sparkle by exercising your creative muscles instead of being another number in a machine? The secret to unleashing your creativity is being in the right situation and having a supportive team around you. Dan Walker found his technicolour creative streak through studying with us. It was […]
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Events, News,
The Enterpreneur and The Event Manager
Petra Truneckova only graduated from us in 2013. We found ourselves wondering if she ever sleeps ...
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Sparkling Event Venues
With a shiny new year ahead, we’re excited about all the students we’ll get to meet this year and all those fantastic new starts for our ever growing network of Event Professionals! What better place to start than event venues and how to choose a venue your guests will be talking about for weeks? Based […]
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Alumni, News,
A Fine Line between a Career and your Passion
Ever wondered what you get when you mix fashion design, a business degree, super sharp operational management and bucket loads of creative energy? Answer: an entrepreneurial event manager running her own events design agency. We managed to catch up with alumna Dionne Antrobus, Director of Fine Line Events. We wanted to find out how life […]
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Events, News,
Charity of the Year 2016
We are pleased to announce that our Charity of the Year for 2016 is Teenage Cancer Trust. They are the only charity dedicated to ensuring treatment and support for teenagers diagnosed with cancer. Our Postgraduate students are tasked with creating fundraising events and all funds raised will be donated to Teenage Cancer Trust as our Charity of the Year. The […]
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From the Course, News,
Events Industry Secrets
Have you ever been to an event and thought “I could do this better?” If yes did you stop to wonder about all the things behind the scenes that add up to make everything run smoothly? As with most things in life, until you’ve been in the situation of doing it yourself it’s difficult to […]
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Careers, Events,
Celebrity Charity Endorsement
How do you get the wow-factor impact for charity events with a limited budget? One answer is to secure celebrity endorsement. To gain serious PR coverage and capture your audience’s imagination it helps to have a well known name associated with your cause. Emma Watson’s work as a goodwill ambassador for the UN is a […]
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Unleashing your creativity
Event management is a highly creative activity. For anyone who thinks they aren’t creative, this is usually down to a lack of confidence sharing your ideas. Everyone is creative, but we all work in slightly different ways. If you are working in a team to create a killer event idea for that demanding client, make […]
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Events, From the Course,
Dazzling charity events: Our top tips
Have you ever considered a career in the charity sector? The idea of working for a cause you believe in appeals to many, but it isn’t easy to get your first job. Something to consider is that charities across the UK are under increasing pressure to create events to raise awareness and create fundraising opportunities. […]
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Backstage at an Event Venue
Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes at spectacular events venues, the bits of the building you don’t normally get to see as a guest? Or how to choose a venue to create the perfect space for your event? To prepare our students to hit the ground running in their first event […]
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Careers, News,
Rubbing shoulders with Global Leaders
Have you ever thought that a career in event management may lead you to meet people you’d only ever dream of meeting in most other jobs? Margarita, one of our current students, got to meet a former Canadian Prime Minister at a recent volunteering opportunity. Being Canadian herself, this made her evening. Hosting global leaders Margarita […]
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Events, From the Course,
Silk scarves and gala dinners
Are you the kind of person who likes thinking on your feet and spotting the necessary finishing touches to make things just right? How about doing this at a high society charity ball? Our students volunteered at the Magic Bus gala dinner on 8th October 2015 at The Dorchester, London. The event raised £200,000 for the […]
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Events, News,
Make sure your evening goes with a bang!
As the nights draw in and the days get colder we know we’ve got something to look forward to as Bonfire night approaches. Who doesn’t enjoy the dark sky exploding with colour and noise and hearing the “oohs” and “aaahs” of the crowd at a big fireworks display? Most event professionals are adrenalin junkies and […]
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Making your events business fly
We’ve noticed that more and more of our students are setting up their own Event Management business or plan to do so once they’ve completed the course.  If you’re bright, driven and tenacious then setting up your own business is a fantastic option for those who don’t want a boring 9-5 job. Of course, it […]
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Alumni, News,
Life after the Diploma course
“Suspend what you think you’d be interested in and put yourself forward” This is advice from one of our past Diploma students, Sarah Ewum. Her philosophy led her to Vienna for a 5 day study tour last week with the United Nations Association. Never let it be said that events management is just about organising […]
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Careers, Events,
Get stuck in: London Fashion Week 2015
Have you ever had the feeling that your job doesn’t do anything exciting? That you don’t make things happen? Are you looking for a career move that’ll get you jumping out of bed in the morning, buzzing with energy and excitement, knowing your contribution will make a difference? Events that make people sit up and […]
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From the Course, News,
Making online study work for you
We talk to a lot of people who want to retrain, but aren’t sure how to fit this in with their busy lifestyle and who can’t take time off work to study full time. Studying an online course can be a really good option, as long as the course is well designed and constructed. An […]
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From the Course, News,
Tech update: Periscope for live events
We like to bring you the latest thinking and tips for event managers and lately we’ve been getting our heads around the newest trend in social media: social live streaming to your fans. It’s already proved a huge hit for the fashion industry. We expect event managers to really get to grips with it over the next 12 months. If […]
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Alumni, Events,
Volunteering in the Wilderness
Do you like the idea of working at the boutique camping part of Wilderness festival? Held at Cornbury Park, Oxfordshire at the beginning of August we sent some of our students and alumni off to volunteer at the festival. We asked Bethany Albiston, who took our PG course last September, to tell us all about […]
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Why turn to online learning?
It is easy to be dazzled by the choice of study options when you are looking to launch or relaunch your career. First you have to choose what to study, then which provider and finally how you will study it. And all the time you’ll be asking yourself “How do I make sure I get […]
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From the Course, News,
Designing a thing of beauty
Something you don’t often get to see is the running of a top notch, superbly crafted formal dinner event from the inside. On the surface and for the guests it must be a silky smooth experience. Memories of the evening will include excellent food, impeccable service, a beautiful location and some sparkling entertainment. For the […]
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From the Course, News,
Best placed to land that job
Ever wondered what it’s like to head into a work placement with a top experiential marketing agency? Want to work for the kind of agency that dismisses thousands of speculative CVs each year? Want to have the opportunity to showcase what you’ve learned and make the case to be taken on as a permanent employee? […]
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Alumni, From the Course,
The Enterpreneur and the Event Manager
I have gained a lot of knowledge from training with Event Academy, for example the importance to combine artistic talent with business acumen.
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From the Course, News,
Change your career in one week
If we said you could try out a brand new career, get some hands on experience and decide if it was for you in just one week, would you be interested? Adam Smith took our Foundation course a few weeks ago and went from no events knowledge on Monday morning to giving a group presentation […]
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From the Course, News,
Can I go online to launch my career?
Would you love to study or retrain, but really don’t have the time or the money to start a University course where you need to attend lectures during the day? Lots of people face this dilemma and wonder if studying online can give as good a learning experience as face to face training. We solve […]
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From the Course, News,
Career Choices: Opportunities to Live
Do you know exactly what you want to do with your career over the next 20 years? If your answer is “no” then you are in the majority. More and more people are looking to choose or change career to better suit their lifestyle and the things that matter most to them. If you know […]
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Events, News,
Getting sporting events right: Wimbledon
It just isn’t summer in London without Wimbledon. Like us, were you shouting at your television as the Murray vs Federer match raged on a couple of weeks ago? Our very own Rupert was at Wimbledon that day and, as you might expect from our top team of event professionals, he was busy thinking about […]
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Events, News,
Showing our Ambition
Event Academy were thrilled to be a part of the Ambition Royal Gala Dinner at Kensington Palace earlier this month. As the culmination of a year’s partnership between ourselves and the national youth charity Ambition, our current students offered their time as volunteers to ensure the event ran perfectly. We caught up with Ammar and Nadisha who […]
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How to have it all: travel and career prospects
As we ease into summer and the conversation turns to holiday plans or holidays just gone, we’re all dreaming of seeing the world and getting into the wide blue yonder. For anyone at the beginning of their career, or contemplating career change this can be a fantastic time to go and take some time out […]
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Creating a Live Event ... in just 3 weeks!
It might sound tough, but that is exactly what our postgraduate students have to do to prove they have what it takes to be successful event managers. See how it went for this year’s students from their Tweets … [<a href=”//” target=”_blank”>View the story “Creating a Live Event … in 3 weeks!” on Storify</a>]
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Postgrad Course Final Project
Isobel Crawford talks through her experience of the final project for the Spring Postgrad course
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Our 2015 top festival picks
With Glastonbury this weekend, we thought we’d ask around the office to find out where the Event Academy staff team recommend going to get your festival fix. As a bunch of event professionals who are passionate about what we do and how we spend our time, let us guide you to the hottest festivals based […]
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Events, News,
What does it take to be a top-class Wedding Planner?
It’s that time of year again, it is definitely wedding season! Obviously we love a good wedding (who doesn’t!) but as event managers, we also look forward to swapping ideas on wedding planning while wedding fever seems to be in the air. So what makes a wedding planner special and why would happy couples look […]
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Events, News,
Want to create your own festival? Top tips ...
It’s festival season and we are already filling up our weekends and hoping for scorching weather. With more festivals happening in the UK each year, we can see more and more top event professionals landing amazing jobs as festival organiser. Can you imagine the buzz of creating an event that gave thousands of people one […]
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From the Course, News,
Oh Those Summer Nights!
Our current postgraduate students have picked up on the theme of summer for their evening live events and we cordially invite you to attend and join them for an evening of entertainment and enjoyment in the name of a good cause.
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Gay Pride: Iconic events that draw a global audience
Did you know that the first Gay Pride march happened in New York in 1970 as a commemoration of the Stonewall riots in 1969? This has since grown into a global phenomenon: a network of celebratory and political activism events that stand for solidarity across the worldwide gay, lesbian and transgender community. We are really […]
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Inspiration and Ambition: supporting young people
As our postgraduate students start planning their live event projects, they and we are thrilled to know that their hard work to create fundraising events results in a tangible benefit in the form of donations to our charity partner
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Careers, News,
Our man in Vienna: Volunteering at the Life Ball
A career in event management can pick you up and drop you in a city miles away, not sure of the brief until you meet the client. You may also find yourself on the red carpet among celebrities like Jean Paul Gaultier and unexpectedly providing a voice over for a star studded concert. Or so […]
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A Royal Affair. Volunteering opportunity.
Or the day I met The Queen! Last Tuesday myself and six other students on the Event Academy Postgraduate event course  were lucky enough to have the opportunity to assist Party Planners, the exclusive event company renowned for its association with royalty, with their Annual Patron’s Garden Party at the luxurious Goring Hotel in London […]
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Event Managing afternoon tea with the Royal Family
Imagine having the opportunity to stroll through the gardens of Buckingham Palace, speak to a member of the Royal Family, enjoy a fabulously presented afternoon tea served on real china and being guided to the front gates of the Palace with you on the inside looking out at the usual tourists for a change. At the […]
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Living Your Dream: the world as your stage
As winning performer of the Eurovision Song Contest in 2014 and now presenter of the show in 2015 Conchita Wurst is the face of one of Europe’s biggest and most internationally conspicuous events.
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Top Mobile apps for Event Managers
Event management is hardly a desk job and event managers find themselves on site and on the run most of the time. Smart phones and mobile devices make it easier to stay in touch and top of everything you need to get done, but only if you have the right tools to help you. We […]
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Young People benefit from our student live events
Ambition, our chosen charity of the year, has recently announced the winners from the first round of Ambition Giving, a brand new grant scheme set up in celebration of the charity’s 90th anniversary. Ambition Giving will offer grants of up to £2,000 throughout the year to groups or individuals to help deliver activities to the young people in their community. Event Academy’s postgraduate […]
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From the Course, News,
Student to Events Business Owner in 6 months
“Don’t underestimate the value of networking and volunteering your time for career development. You need to be careful who you volunteer your time to and on what terms ... This puts you in a strong negotiating position when the contact likes your work ... " - Ruth Lowe, current student
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From the Course, News,
My Journey to the Main Event
Event Academy Online Diploma student Helen Moon writes for us about her career journey through Event Management
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7 tips to improve your events using digital marketing
In this blog post, digital marketing expert Alicia Harkness looks at our 7 ultimate digital marketing tips to ensure your event is more successful than ever before
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Smart career moves in Event Planning
Anita Stubbs, one of our expert advisors, explains her view on the remit and standards for career focused training
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Immersive events: Hot tips on how to get ahead
Event planning as a discipline is competitive and it pays to understand where the market is going and how event attendees and client expectations are changing. What we’ve seen over the last 12 months is event planners and marketers really getting to grips with how to use all the exciting new technology to create a […]
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Careers, News,
Volunteer at The Brit Awards
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From the Course, News,
Placed for success: What happens after your exams?
It’s Friday lunchtime and you have a list of celebrity names on your desk. Your task for the afternoon is to track down their agents and call round the list to ask for their support on social media for a charity who do amazing work with young people. You might even get to talk to […]
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Events, News,
Women of the World Unite: We were at #WOWLDN
Of course we keep up to date with the hottest events in London – it’s our job!  Some of our team (including lecturers, event volunteers, students, alumni) are bound to be at each of the biggest and best events in London and the recent Women of the World festival at London’s Southbank was no exception. […]
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Help! I am starting an Event Management course!
We welcome many, many new students throughout the year, but we never forget how daunting it is start a brand new course and how crucial it is to jump straight in and use it to build your successful career. Our dedicated student experience team will look after you and your career development. So you know […]
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Events, News,
Fundraising creates better futures for young people
Thank you to our Charity of the Year Ambition, for giving us the opportunity to share our expertise
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Events, News,
Going Underground: An event like VAULT
"The aim of the festival is to give a platform for smaller creative and performance companies"
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Careers, News,
‘Brit’ start your career with Event Academy
Could there be a more exciting volunteering opportunity?
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Events, News,
Event placements with Mark Riches, MD First Protocol
Mark Riches, MD First Protocol talks about the value of relevant training and tailored work placements to getting a career in the events industry
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Work Experience Placements
As our current postgraduate students head off to start their work experience placement this week, we thought it would be a good time to reflect on the most popular placement opportunities in events management.
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Event planning in local communities
Being a part of a local community event can be rewarding and vocational
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Events, News,
Career Building with We the Peoples Film Festival
this aspirational film festival inspires creativity in young people and offers our students fantastic volunteering experiences.
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Meet our new Head of Experience
his brief is to immerse himself in the world of events
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Events, News,
Top Tips for Planning Charity Events
Planning Charity events is not easy, the key to making it a success is to understand the aims of the event.
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A Tale of Two Events
Event Academy's Postgraduate students' live events take place on the 9th & 10th Dec
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Events, News,
Top tips for running a successful conference
How to make your conference more successful through Brand Identity, location, budget and great speakers
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Events, News,
We announce our Charity of the Year
Building skills and confidence with young people Event Academy’s charity of the year – Ambition care about improving the futures of young people across the UK. Celebrating its 90th birthday in 2015, Ambition has a long history of supporting the work of local youth clubs and community projects by providing expertise and funding to organisations […]
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Careers, News,
How the fashion world are leading the way in social engagement
"Social media outlets are where the buzz is created, and from one small comment, or gimmick attracting the attention of a blogger who then shares it with their followers, a huge amount of publicity can be drawn."
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Events, News,
Ashdown preferred supplier for ISES
the International Special Events Society have confirmed we are their preferred training supplier
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Events, News,
My Best Friend's Wedding
Knowing your strengths (and your weaknesses) when planning a wedding are key.
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5 Ways to get free event PR that people often forget
If the PR pot has run dry, then here's some really useful tips on how you can still easily reach your audience
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We are proud to annouce - Our Partnership with Spice
Spice 'Time Credits' transform communities by engaging the many
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Top tips for a career in event production
Events production can be an exhilarating challenge and it can take you all over the world.
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Events, News,
Wedding abroad? here's our top tips
on navigating the hurdles of language, legal requirements and more..
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Careers, News,
How to deal with the possibility of bad PR at your event
Dealing with PR the good and the bad
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Promoting your own Summer event? here are 5 Innovative ways how
5 Innovative ways to promote your Summer music event
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Rave your way into the day!
Volunteering Opportunity at Morning Gloryville
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The best charity events of 2014
Fabulous fundraising events of 2014
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Inspiring words from our Alumni Natalie Gould
How the course at Event Academy put Natalie on the path to a great career
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5 Steps to a successful career in fundraising
networking and skills sharing are just some of the ways.
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5 Easy Ways to Make Your Event Eco Friendly
5 ways to make your event greener.
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Careers, Events,
Soccer Aid 2014
Immerse yourself in the atmosphere of a live event by Claire Derrick.
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How to become a live music event organiser
Do you want to become a live music event organiser? Here are top tips for getting started.
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Events, News,
Five character traits you need to become a great wedding planner
What sort of person makes a great wedding planner? We reveal the secrets in our new post.
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Why event managers should be tech savvy
Find out why event managers need to keep up with the latest technology trends.
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Five Top Tips for Becoming More Assertive at Events
Being assertive at events is vital to helping drive your career and professional network forward. It's the personality trait that's going to help you kick some serious butt, no matter what industry.
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Why Networking Is Essential For Event Managers
How will networking skills help you in your events career and how can you improve them?
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Top Five Uses of Social Media For Events In 2014
Who's been making the best use of social media for events in 2014? Here are our top five.
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Careers, News,
Creative Events Planning With Ideas
Your event needs to stand out from the others. Get creative!
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Events, News,
The World’s Most Eco-Friendly Events
Which are the world's greenest events? We've put together our top three.
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Five Ways To Get More Events Contacts
Contacts are essential for anyone in events. Here’s our guide to making connections.
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Finding Your Perfect Events Career
When you want to enter an events career, the old adage is true - experience is everything.
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"I want something digital"
Create great headache-free digital experiences for events with a touch of magic and some powerful technology.
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Using Twitter for Event Marketing
Twitter is an incredibly powerful tool for building a community around an event whilst on a lean budget. Here's how TEDxBrighton 2013 did it.
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Volunteering for Secret Cinema. Tell no-one.
One of the most incredible events happening at the moment has to be Secret Cinema and we have the opportunity for some of our students to volunteer at this unique, once in a lifetime experience. The premise of Secret Cinema (if you didn’t know already) is focused on creating large scale cultural experiences in abandoned urban […]
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Events, News,
A Crash Course in Wedding Planning
6 months to plan a wedding from scratch? No problem!
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Events eat procrastination for breakfast
events make things happen
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Interviews, News,
What is it really like to be a film extra?
When she’s not helping our prospective students find the right even course, our Course Advisor Karin Pointner regularly rubs shoulders with Hollywood stars as a film extra. Here she tells us about her experiences. “I discovered the world of film extras many years ago.  It all started with Bridget Jones’ Diary, and continued with Holby City, Children […]
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Events, News,
"The secret of getting ahead is getting started"
[et_pb_section fb_built=”1″ admin_label=”section”][et_pb_row admin_label=”row”][et_pb_column type=”4_4″ parallax=”off” parallax_method=”on”][et_pb_text admin_label=”Text”]This quote from Mark Twain feels very relevant at this time of year. As we all look out into 2014 from a cold, dark corner of January the problem is not the dreams or good intentions… but just getting started. Many of us will have new year’s resolutions. […]
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Events, News,
The history and demise of Earls Court
Our expert advisor, author and historian Rene Dee has written a fascinating article on the history and demise of Earls Court Exhibition Centre: Earl’s Court Exhibition Centre is undeniably a historical icon; the home of dramatic and perennial UK exhibitions since before the present structure was built, starting in 1886/7 when audiences were gripped by […]
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The event managers best iPad mini.
Most event managers are pretty organized. They have to be. If there’s one thing you can’t be late for it’s a live event. More often than not there’s been no time to do a full run through before an event goes live (unlike a theatre or music production). It could be a business conference, fashion […]
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Online Education
Online education is becoming an increasingly popular option for learners worldwide, and it’s quite hard to decipher the excitement surrounding this migration to online.
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Cool places to visit during the winter months in London
The team at Event Academy are passionate people. Passionate about events naturally, but also passionate about where they spend their free time. They love to explore new places, sample exotic foods, find new drinking dens and above all keep ahead of the game when it comes to seasonal events in London. We pride ourselves on […]
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René Dee at the DofE
The Duke of Edinburgh invited Event Academy expert, René Dee, as a VIP Guest on the occasion of the Gold Award presentations at St. James’s Palace, London, on the 10th July 2013. This followed the provision of case studies by René of boy soldiers who took their Duke of Edinburgh Awards while serving at the All Arms Junior Leader’s Regiment […]
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Careers, News,
Murray Mania
After winning the Aegon Tennis Championships at The Queen’s Club on 16th June, the question many tennis fans are asking is: “Can Andy Murray win Wimbledon this year?” Andy Murray won the “Queens” men’s singles title by beating Croatian Marin Cilic 5-7, 7-5, 6-3 in the final. The British No.1 delighted home fans by coming from a set behind to […]
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Pitch to the UN World Food Programme
Last week our Diploma Students had the amazing privilege to pitch their creative event ideas to a team from the UN World Food Programme (the department that Halle Berry is currently fronting all over the papers this morning!) The World Food Programme’s mission is very current and very powerful considering what is going on in […]
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Postgraduate Study
An increasing number of job opportunities will require someone with a postgraduate qualification, which may lead those entering the job market for the first time wondering exactly what is a postgraduate? And how can you become one? Postgraduate study involves learning and studying for professional or academic certificates or other qualifications for which a first […]
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Grades are coming in...
Its always a nerve racking time, waiting for your grades. And it’s that time of year again. For most of us it involves waiting by a post box or phone until the dreaded envelope or call comes through. For our students it is an email from one of the Course Directors and maybe a phone […]
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Wakeup and smell the coffee
By Postgraduate Student Gwladys Caubet Are you one of those students who rely on your salutary coffee cup to keep you awake during your three years of event management studies? Well, forget the coffee and join the Event Academy! The Postgraduate Diploma in Event Management provided by Event Academy is the clever combination of three months practical […]
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How to throw an awesome party
Fabulous parties don’t just happen. They require careful planning! You can be sure that if you’ve ever been to a truly memorable party, then it’s likely to have been organised by a professional party planner. Becoming a party planner can be great fun, and may sound like a perfect career, but it still involves long hours, hard […]
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Postgraduates: What Next?
As consequence of the current economic crisis, the current generation of postgraduates will have to work well into their 70s before they can take retirement; that’s half a century of work. It’s more important than ever, then, to choose a career path that’s not only going to be rewarding, relevant in the future whilst providing […]
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5 Reasons Why Event Planners Should Blog
“It was obvious from the start that it was revolutionary. Every writer since the printing press has longed for a means to publish himself (herself) and reach – instantly – any reader on Earth” Andrew Sullivan, At its simplest, a blog is an online journal where the entries are published with the most recent […]
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Hilton in the Community Foundation Champions Workshop
Course Directors Justine Kane and Claire Derrick visited the Waldorf Astoria on Friday 1st March to run a workshop on Event Management Skills with Hilton in the Community Foundation Champions. Attendees had a glimpse into the world of event management and got to grips with some very practical exercises…all in the wonderful setting of one […]
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Careers, Events,
Successful Careers for Event Management Graduates
The events industry is an exciting, dynamic sector to work in and, by coming on board with Event Academy, you can qualify as a fully-fledged event manager in as little as three months! With qualifications in hand, your job search can begin. There are numerous event management positions appearing regularly on job boards and some […]
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How Do Event Planners Work with Security Teams?
In order to run a successful event, security is a key consideration. Take the summer’s London Olympic Games as an example: the strategic planning that went into organising the infrastructure (building the Olympic Park, advertising, accommodation and transport) was matched in full-force by security provisions. Planning for would-be terror attacks, with surface-to-air missiles atop high-rises; […]
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Events, News,
Women in Events
Heard the saying, “It’s a man’s world”? It seems many organisers of key stage events seem to think so. Despite the fact that majority of events management course graduates are women, there’s still a disparity in the number of women being optioned to speak at key events. Take the recently cancelled BritRuby event for example […]
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We're in The Sun!
Here is a great piece in The Sun about one of our students, who now has a very ‘eventful’ career!
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Event Management Positions
Just imagine your future career. You’ve looked at lots of training providers, you’ve made your choice and worked hard getting your Event Management Diploma from Event Academy (where else!) and now you’re qualified to apply for the pick of the best event management jobs and ready to turn your dream into reality… There are numerous […]
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Event Management Positions
A vibrant industry boasting annual turnovers of over £200m; event management positions are some of the most sought after in the graduate job market
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Event Management Training
“Why should you bother with event management training? Wouldn’t it be better to just get stuck into the industry somewhere? Surely you can learn everything you need to know on the job rather than forking out on some event training?” Firstly the last statement is a bit of fantasy! This might have been the case […]
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Events, News,
Become a Festival Organiser
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Event Management Degree
During consultations with potential students for Events courses we’re often asked whether we see value in doing University Events courses? Our honest answer is...
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Events, News,
Find the Perfect Wedding Planner Course
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Building a Successful Career in Event Planning
Many of the practitioners on the events industry (myself included) never seriously considered a career in event planning when we left full time education. Nor were we encouraged to. Until about 10 years ago an event planner job didn’t really exist. Corporate hospitality was there but not regulated and event planner jobs weren’t considered to […]
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Commission - A Moral Dilemma?
Sometimes, students on my event management training courses are shocked to learn that event organisers and agencies receive commission or ‘kick backs’ from venues or sub contractors, in return for a booking. Typically this commission runs between 8 and 12% but it can go as high as 15% (and the Olympics is certainly having an […]
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Event Management Training
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What is Event Management?
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Event Planning, News,
15 Creative Virtual Event Ideas You Can Use for Inspiration
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Event Planning, News,
Stage Design Ideas for Your Next Event
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Event Planning, News,
Live Streaming Apps for Events
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Event Planning, News,
Top tips for increasing engagement during presentations
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Event Planning, News,
How to Run a Roundtable Discussion
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Event Planning, News,
5 Top Event Management Job Opportunities
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Event Planning, News,
Imaginative Party Entertainment Ideas
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Event Planning, News,
Post-pandemic event industry trends to look out for this year
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Event Planning, News,
Event Magazines That Are Genuinely Worth Reading
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Event Planning, News,
15 Virtual event platforms worth using in 2021
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Event Planning, News,
How to Plan an Event in 5 Simple Steps
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Event Planning, News,
Standout Experiential Marketing Examples Ideal for Events
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Event Resources, News,
The Types of Events You’ll Manage During Your Career as an Event Manager
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